To administer the website's content. Web Content Management System (CMS).

Includes: Management of the main page of the site; Main menu setting; Creation of sections, categories and subcategories in the site structure; Creation and filling of site pages; Formation of online store catalogs; Acceptance of orders and payments; Management of online requests, applications. And much more.

More details ...


E-Education - education and development

In developing

IMSS - International Mutual Settlements System

An independent, integrated into other products module of a unified international system for accounting for instant mutual settlements of multilateral exchanges between system participants.
Includes: Online registration of participants; Creation of Local Representatives; System settings; Emission center; Payment service; Accounting for the movement of funds on accounts; Monitoring of benchmarks. And much more.

E-Medicine Medicine

For planning, management and control of the activities of the clinic, private office, doctor of medical practice. Online automated patient relationship management system (without leaving home).
Includes: Clinic visits; Consultations; treatment regimens; Online payment; rehabilitation; professional examinations; Observation plans; Health indicators and more.


To plan, manage and control the lease and collection of all payments for the lease of retail space, production space and other leased objects.
Includes: a map of the location of rental objects; database of tenants; accounting for each leased object; a metering device database for various utility costs; accounting for the collection of rental payments; formation of invoices for payment for each tenant and rental object; reports on planned receipts and actual income from renting out and much more.

WEB platform

To create a full-fledged interaction environment for registered users of the system and site visitors. WEB platform.
Includes: section Business process management; Configurator; Web content management system; News Aggregator module; Trading platform; Own system of mutual settlements. And much more.

GEC - Geoeconomic Community

For interstate associations, for use at the international level.
Including: all the possibilities of other configurations, and also takes into account the interstate needs for the characteristics of the territories according to various parameters.
Ability to combine and link records into global forms.
The ability to filter information by various criteria.
And much more...

Depository center*

For issuers; participants in the securities market, virtual assets and the like financial participation tools.
Includes: Applications for booking assets; Emission of electronic assets; Depository center; Accounting of assets Owners.
It is an addition to basic configurations.

BPM - Corporation

For companies with several types of activities, or corporations that have a group of enterprises with various types of activities. Access to the wide possibilities of the section BPM, CMS and others.

Registering a local system

* Attention!
1. Recommended browser to work with the system is Mozilla; Chrome.

2. All fields are required.
3. You must use at least 3 (Three) characters of the Latin keyboard layout as a login. Email or phone number can also be used.
You cannot use special characters in the login, such as ' (apostrophe), " (quotation marks), \ (backslash), - (hyphen) and others. Only . (dot), @ (dog), _ (underscore) are acceptable.
4. As a working email, you must use the email to which you have access. You can register only one Local system per email.
5. Enterprises, organizations, institutions and other SEA should indicate the official name of the institution from the registration documents in the Name of local system (the organizational and legal form should be indicated at the end).

Local governments, territorial communities (united territorial communities), local executive authorities must add the name of the district and the region to the official name.
6. In case of absence from the list of Countries; The Region; The District; Settlement, it is allowed to enter the name in manual mode in the state language.

7. The password must be at least 6 characters long contains numeric characters, lowercase, uppercase Latin keyboard layout alphabetical character. For example, Dj74Yg.
You cannot use special characters in the password, such as ' (apostrophe), ` (reverse apostrophe), " (quotation marks), \ (backslash).

In order to gain access to the system services, give consent and permission to process your personal data by ticking the checkbox below.

In accordance with the Law of Ukraine "On Protection of Personal Data" I give consent and permission to process my personal data entered by me into this registration form of the local system, namely: surname, first name, patronymic, telephone number, etc.

By clicking the Sigh Up button, you agree to all the terms of the Privacy Policy and the Terms of Service of the IJI IT GROUP.

After clicking on the "Sigh Up" button on the email you specified in this form, a message will be sent to confirm your registration.
To register, use only the real email that you have access to.


To administer the website's content. Web Content Management System (CMS).

Includes: Management of the main page of the site; Main menu setting; Creation of sections, categories and subcategories in the site structure; Creation and filling of site pages; Formation of online store catalogs; Acceptance of orders and payments; Management of online requests, applications. And much more.

More details ...


E-Education - education and development

In developing

IMSS - International Mutual Settlements System

An independent, integrated into other products module of a unified international system for accounting for instant mutual settlements of multilateral exchanges between system participants.
Includes: Online registration of participants; Creation of Local Representatives; System settings; Emission center; Payment service; Accounting for the movement of funds on accounts; Monitoring of benchmarks. And much more.

E-Medicine Medicine

For planning, management and control of the activities of the clinic, private office, doctor of medical practice. Online automated patient relationship management system (without leaving home).
Includes: Clinic visits; Consultations; treatment regimens; Online payment; rehabilitation; professional examinations; Observation plans; Health indicators and more.


To plan, manage and control the lease and collection of all payments for the lease of retail space, production space and other leased objects.
Includes: a map of the location of rental objects; database of tenants; accounting for each leased object; a metering device database for various utility costs; accounting for the collection of rental payments; formation of invoices for payment for each tenant and rental object; reports on planned receipts and actual income from renting out and much more.

WEB platform

To create a full-fledged interaction environment for registered users of the system and site visitors. WEB platform.
Includes: section Business process management; Configurator; Web content management system; News Aggregator module; Trading platform; Own system of mutual settlements. And much more.

GEC - Geoeconomic Community

For interstate associations, for use at the international level.
Including: all the possibilities of other configurations, and also takes into account the interstate needs for the characteristics of the territories according to various parameters.
Ability to combine and link records into global forms.
The ability to filter information by various criteria.
And much more...

Depository center*

For issuers; participants in the securities market, virtual assets and the like financial participation tools.
Includes: Applications for booking assets; Emission of electronic assets; Depository center; Accounting of assets Owners.
It is an addition to basic configurations.

BPM - Corporation

For companies with several types of activities, or corporations that have a group of enterprises with various types of activities. Access to the wide possibilities of the section BPM, CMS and others.

E-GOV - Government

For Government, central executive and other authorities, with an aim to use at the national level.

CiRM - Municipality-Region

For local governments and local executive authorities at the community level, region. 

Including: Electronic document management; Housekeeping accounting; Passport of the territory; Staff accounting; Financial accounting and much more.


BPM - Enterprise

For small and medium enterprises. 

Including: Task Manager; Database of Counterparties; Business processes; Management Accounting; Accounting of documents; Correspondence; HR accounting and much more.


ECM - Candidate

To plan and manage the work of candidate’s headquarters at local, regional and national levels during the preparation, conduct of and after the election campaign.

Including: Planning tasks, events, special projects; Database of counterparties, media, voters and competitors; Passports of the facilities of the territory; Campaign financial accounting; Accounting for citizens' appeals and interactions with them; Personnel accounting; Analytical reports and much more.


ECM - Party

For planning and managing the work of the party / movement / block headquarters at the regional, national and international levels during the preparation, conduct of the election campaign and after it.

Including: Planning tasks, events, special projects; Database of counterparties, media, voters and competitors; Passports of the facilities of the territory; Campaign financial accounting; Accounting for citizens' appeals and interactions with them; Personnel accounting; Analytical reports and much more.


Election day

For collecting operational information about the situation at polling stations from representatives and observers on election day.

Including: The readiness of the site for voting; Exitpol; Complaints; Fast counting of votes.
More info...


For service stations and car services.

Including: Planner; Database of customers and their vehicles; Accounting for work orders; Material accounting; Accounting for finance; Personnel accounting and much more.

Vehicle delivery (logistics)

For logistics (transport) companies, as well as car dealers engaged in the supply of cars to order.

Connected through a BPM enterprise.

Including: Scheduler; Database of customers and contractors; Accounting for applications and proposals; Cargo movement monitoring; Financial Accounting; Personnel accounting and much more.


Personal (non-commercial) use

For personal use for non-commercial purposes (online electronic notebook for all occasions).

Including: Planner of affairs and events; Database of contacts; Accounting for finance; Accounting for utility bills; Accounting treatment regimens; Accounting for car maintenance and more.

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